Do I have to enroll the whole household into the ACA plan on marketplace.

My husband was laid off last week and our plan ends at the end of the day. We are still waiting for COBRA information and especially cost. The problem is that is that if I do not enroll and pay by tomorrow for a markeplace plan then we forfeit the month of June for any coverage (or are forced into COBRA at a cost still to be known). My spouse needs weekly visits for an ongoing treatment he receives so he is the one who needs a plan ASAP. Is there a possibility I could only enroll him for the month of June and wait to enroll myself and our two children for next month or August (I am leaving to my home country on the 19th until August 1st to be with my family during the summer). The kids and I rarely need healthcare besides my daughter and myself needing our monthly ADHD medicines filled, I only need to see my Dr once a year and she only needs to see the pediatrician once every 4 months (we all had our last mandatory visit for the RX within the last month including physicals).

I feel like being rushed into a decision due to time but I am also lacking importance information to make an informed decision. Also I am worried that when my spouse regains employment at similar salary (hopefully in less than 3- 4 months) that due to a severance of 5 months he received that we could end up having to pay back the subsidies we qualify for (i did the math and we are right there a few hundreds below the threshold between his salary from January to last week, the severance and the Unemployment benefits).

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What would you do?

submitted by /u/Atkena2578