My partner and I are beginning to have discussions about having a baby. She has had many health problems and pregnancy could be very dangerous to her. Frankly, from the insurance company's prospective, due to how high-risk a pregnancy would be, it would probably cost them more to cover a "regular" pregnancy than it would to cover a surrogate.

Currently, she has Blue Cross. In the marketing materials her plan, supposedly, covers assisted reproductive technologies when deemed "medically nessacary."

So, my questions are:

Does Blue Cross ever cover surragacy costs for the genetic parents (i.e., the surrogate's reimbursement), and how do I approach the subject? (Given our past interactions with BC, I predict this will be a fight).

Are there any plans out there that cover surragacy? If so, what companies and what States? (I live in Utah, but my Job would make it easy to move to Texas or California if nessacary).

submitted by /u/throwingaccount1276

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