Disabled wife is about to get kicked off Medical Assistance – income and assets too high.

Since Covid, Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare put a hold on renewals and we were locked into these insurances until last year when I lost MinnesotaCare and had to apply for insurance through my employer.

Now, Medical Assistance is asking information on income and assets for my wife. I've filled out the paper work, feeling ridiculous putting in a bunch of 5 figure numbers for savings accounts and retirement accounts etc (we've come a long way financially since 2019).

We earn $52k a year and have around $80k in savings and investments.

She's certainly going to get kicked off Medical assistance, and we earn way too much, and have far larger assets than the limits for MinnesotaCare.

However, my wife is disabled and can not work. She receives Social Security Disability Insurance (which fortunately has no asset limit so she gets to keep that).

My question is what would be the next step? When I lost my medical, I had to chose between my employers insurance, or a tax credit that can be applied towards one of the (private, I believe) plans the MNsure website offers.

For me, it was an easy decision to get one of the plans my employer offers, as it was cheaper per month, lower deductibles and lower out of pocket max.

The problem is unlike me, that needs an appointment once a year, she regularly sees her team of doctors multiple times annually due to her tbi, and is on several medications.

My work offers a low or high deductible insurance, obviously with my wife's issues, the low deductible plan is what we'll have to choose, but at $200 a month for the both of us, plus the $1k deductible, and $3k out of pocket max, I'm starting to feel a little queasy about the thought of us having to pay minimum $5k annually for medical (10% of our income) when we've essentially been getting it for free till now. And that doesn't even include medications.

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Are these simply my two choices and we just have to suck it up? Or is it possible because she's disabled there's other options available for us?

submitted by /u/jaytea86