Disabled adult dependent looking to move into full-time employment

I live in a state which forces companies to have their insurance plans accept disabled adults dependants past age 26 if they are chiefly dependant on their parents for support. I am an autistic adult who has stayed on their parents insurancen past age 26 as a disabled adult dependent. I was capable of sustaining part time but not full time employment due to the stress of the daily demands of a full-time job causing my physical and mental health to deteriorate. I have now located a career field I am skilled in and which would allow me to work from home in a self-paced manner, avoiding excessive light, sound and movement which I am hyper-sensitive to. Therefore I am now considering moving on to full-time employment.

I go to multiple different therapies for my autism several times a week. I am not able to reduce any of them at this time. Two of them only accept BCBS PPO which is what my parents have currently. If I get a full-time job, I am thinking there's a good chance my parents insurance will kick me off because I would be capable of sustaing employment and thus no longer disabled. Is this correct? I can't get a job that doesn't have BCBS PPO because I would lose coverage for my therapies. My parents have a high deductible low OOPM plan and we can't afford my therapies without it.

Do I have to interview each company I consider applying to to find out what insurance they offer or is there a place I can find a list of them? Does anyone have any advice for me on how to get a job with this specific insurance plan?

See also  I feel like I'm paying way to much for my new insurance. Should I get a new plan?

submitted by /u/BarRevolutionary4131