Did my health insurance get worse?

I know this sounds awful at my age (23 m), but I’m not totally comfortable analyzing my health insurance on my own. Due to family issues that I don’t care to discuss, I’ve been on my own for quite some time. I’m also the guardian for my 8 year old sister. I worked until recently as a janitor at a local public school, but was fortunate to get a degree this past May and landed an online admissions job at a university. I anticipated my benefits would be better, but I don’t think that’s the case and if anyone can verify I’d appreciate it. My new job offers 3 various “packages” which I’ll place all in a table below.

The only other important details is that my gf and I have discussed getting married at the courthouse down the road, with a baby to follow after.

Former Current 1 Current 2 Current 3 Monthly Pay (w/ child) $481.00 $39.75 $148.12 $388.25 Year deductible (family) $500 $4,000 $1,600 $1,000 Out of pocket Maximum (family) $6,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 PCP $20 copay Deductible & 20% coinsurance $25 copay Deductible & 15% coinsurance Speciality Provider $35 copay Same as PCP $50 copay Same as PCP

Not sure which other categories would be helpful for comparison.

submitted by /u/Far_Dog1624

See also  Need to change insurance companies NOW, not next year.