Did I just agree to hospital balance billing by signing this?


I live in San Diego County / California with Cigna PPO. Age 52.

I have a significant in-patient procedure coming up at UCSD Hospital. When I was at the pre-op appointment I thought I was just signing consent for surgery (the title of the document was Consent for Surgery).

Today, I noticed two financial terms at the bottom of the multi-page consent

I think I may have signed away my rights to in-network benefits and opened myself up to balance billing.

What do you think?

Section 8: "I understand that even if I have insurance, I may be financially responsible for some or all of my medical services. For instance, if I have a co-pay or deductible, I agree to pay the amounts I owe."

Question 1: I agree with this statement related to in-network co-pays and deductibles. I am happy to pay what I owe. Does this mean by signing, I am allowing UCSD to balance bill me for some or all of my medical services after insurance pays? Am I giving up my in-network rights by signing this?

"If I do not have insurance that covers the service I receive, I agree to pay The Regents of the University of California for professional, hospital and clinic services, including UCSDH physician services, in accordance with the regular rates and terms."

"I also agree to pay for other professional services provided at UCSDH by other health care providers. "

Section 9: "I understand that I am financially responsible for charges not paid pursuant to this agreement."

Question 2: By signing this, am I giving up my in-network rights and /or allowing UCSD to balance bill me?

See also  Desperately need help: UHC, surgery, pre-auth denial

I reached out to my insurance company. They said to cross those sections out and re-submit to UCSD.

UCSD billing said they would cancel the procedure if I did not sign the document as is.

submitted by /u/Mother_Ambassador870