
NYC resident here. My wife had a breast mri done this past Tuesday. She lost her mom to breast cancer and she has incredibly dense tissue so her risk is between 46-48%. MRI showed that she has a clumped linear non mass that’s 1.4 cm. She needs a mri guided biopsy done. $900 a month comes out of my paycheck for the health insurance from my job. We’re being told that the deductible for the biopsy is $1890. We’re told we have to pay upfront or they will not preform the biopsy. No payment plan or negotiations. We have called all of the places and are told the same thing. I applied for the carecredit card and got approved, but jokes on us as literally no one accepts it. We’re lower middle class people so we don’t just have almost $2k sitting in our bank accounts. If anyone has any advice on what to do idk this post might be redundant, but I’m just a terrified husband at the moment. It’s hard enough to just stress about the health outcome, but also the financial stress of how the hell we’re going to come up with this money. The only thing I can think is saying screw all other bills and rent and just being behind on everything and making this the only priority.

submitted by /u/zackb1993

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