Dental vs Medical insurance (Aetna)

Hi all. I’m beginning open enrollment for my benefits coverage and could use some help – be warned this is somewhat of a complicated situation.

Last year, I had double jaw surgery and as a result I will need some gum grafts in the near future. Typically, I believe this procedure would be covered under my dental insurance and would be a simple outpatient procedure. However, I have a blood disease which makes any surgery a bit more complicated, and I will need the procedure to be in a hospital setting and will likely need to be admitted at least one night in order to receive a specific medication to help with clotting.

As I begin open enrollment, I’m trying to figure out:

1: Would this be covered by medical or dental? Or would both cover different parts?

2: Am I able to get explanation of benefits for potential plan options now? I currently don’t see anything in my HR’s medical or dental documents regarding periodontal coverage at all. My company used Aetna.

Thank you for reading and for any advice.

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