I had blue cross blue shield health of Ohio nsurance through my husband. I had bloodwork done on April 18th at a lab that would be normally be covered on my plan no problem. Problem is my husband was let go from his job the last day of the month April 30th.

I didn’t even think about it being an issue that it would be denied and had actually forgotten about it until I received an EOB today. It has the service date as April 18 but the date received as May 1st. Literally the day after we lost coverage. So of course now I owe total of $1,097. I am so frustrated and it says “We’re unable to cover this service because your plan wasn’t active on the date services were provided.” But it literally says on there the service date is April 18th when I still had the plan.

Has anyone had a similar situation or could provide any suggestions if I have any options and can challenge this or is it not possible. I can’t call till Monday but thought I would see if anyone had any thoughts on this. Anything would be appreciated. I’m just so frustrated and it’s a big bill that I was not expecting.

submitted by /u/Ok_Shift7194

See also  Provider Not Supplying Medical Records