Delta Dental – Insurance False Marketing "In Network" Dentists Aren’t In Network

So I get dental insurance through the state of Minnesota (Ucare) through Delta Dental through the Delta Dental Minnesota Select Dental Plan.

The issue is that on their website, literally all of the dentists "in-network" aren't in network so I have to go to the U of MN for dental care. I literally called every single one of them, one by one, within a 50 mile range of where I live.

I don't like the fact that all of the dentists I called are lying about providing "in-network" coverage with UCARE but then actually denying care to actual patients when we call. So if a patient didn't call ahead of time or didn't double cross everything, they would be on the hook.

Can I get Delta Dental to take all of these dentists off their list? It just seems like false marketing to me to list "in network" dentists and literally 1 of the 50 I found are in network.

submitted by /u/Academic_Moment4276

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