Deadline approaching to enroll in 2022 health insurance marketplace –

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Michiganders looking to get health insurance during’s 2022 open enrollment period are running out of time.

The deadline for the 2022 Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment period is Saturday, Jan. 15. Residents who miss the deadline to sign up will have to wait until November to pick out a plan for the following year, unless they experience a significant life change that allows for a special 60-day window to open.

Residents can sign up for coverage through the Affordable Care Act at or call 800-318-2596. The marketplace site offers free enrollment help, and will direct you to programs you qualify for including Medicaid, the Healthy Michigan Plan, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Anita Fox, director of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, said new subsidies have been added for 2022 which can offer increased savings.

“We found that the majority of people who have logged on were able to find low or no-cost health care,” Fox said. “There’s no reason right now for a family not to explore health care options. It’s so important, and with the available subsidies, people shouldn’t think it’s going to be too expensive.”

In 2021, Michigan saw an average premium reduction of 45% by taking advantage of those subsidies, with savings of $71 or more per month, according to the state. More than half of consumers found coverage for $10 or less per month.

This year the marketplace includes more than 250 different plans, including 15 more than in 2021. More competition, Fox said, means more choices and lower prices.

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Residents that need help picking a plan can go to and enter their ZIP code for assistance from a local agent or broker.

The state also offers a live call center open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Residents can call toll free at 877-999-6442.

“We know that having comprehensive health insurance leads to better health outcomes and this open enrollment is an important opportunity for Michiganders to protect their health and financial wellness while saving money,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a statement.

“Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment only lasts until January 15, so get signed up as soon as possible to ensure that you and your family have affordable, comprehensive health coverage for the year.”

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