CT has the worst health insurance in the USA – Change My Mind

This is just a vent actually. Connecticut used have a huge array of top insurers – Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Humana…. now we are down to JUST Anthem BCBS (and some local "Connecticare" I guess they invented when everyone else left the state, though none of my family's docs take it). Do other states have such limited choices?

And the drug formularies are a joke. For a major physical, incurable, lifelong disease, there are three or four major groups of meds with sometimes dozens in each group, but 99% are nonformulary , including some of the gold standard meds. And it doesn't seem to be all based on price – one of my covered meds costs more than another drug my doc thought necessary that was NF. And the nonformularly ALL require prior approval.

You can get a NF drug after "failing" at least two others, which can mean MONTHS AND MONTHS of suffering. And the failures have to be in the same group – try a med from a different group and the "Try two and fail" begins again!

I am sorry. I am grateful to have any insurance at all. Just venting. In a "mood" because I read about people in other states with way more choices, getting drugs that are denied in CT. It is SO FRUSTRATING.


submitted by /u/NWClerk6051

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