I will possibly be changing from a benefit position to a non-benefit position at my job. The cobra rates are insane and I cannot afford that option, so I've been looking at plans through the healthcare marketplace. There are some plans that are ok, but my doctors are not in network. The only insurance company that the doctors I need to see are considered in network is Oscar. I've read completely horrendous reviews on this company, and am questioning whether or not paying $500 a month for insurance (I also have to pay the full price because I make "too much" even when I'll be working less) that won't even work when I need it will be worth it. A few years ago while I was in school I went three years with no health insurance and I just paid my doctors/specialists out of pocket when I needed to see them. I'd like to have insurance in case of an emergency, but what's the point in paying $500 and if an emergency does happen my crappy insurance won't pay anyways. Just need a little insight. Should I just stay with no insurance and pay out of pocket for doctors visits or get this crappy plan?

submitted by /u/DJ0278

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