covered california just canceled my new policy with Anthem Blue cross. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

(this is my first time using Reddit, my son let me use his account and showed me how to ask for help on here so I apologize if my format is out of order or if I do something incorrectly)

I was insured by Covered by California for a little over a year. at the end of that time, I properly canceled my policy with them, receiving a cancelation confirmation. at that time there were no balances owed, and no outstanding bills.

a month after working with a broker, I enrolled me and my two sons in a new policy (PPO) with Anthem Blue Cross. I submitted payments for all 3 policies and received a confirmation that our policies were activated. and my oldest son even went to the doctor during that time and his new policy worked fine. He was pleasantly surprised by how easy and affordable it was.

[ this is the first time my boys and I have ever had good health insurance after a lifetime of fighting over every little discrepancy and co-pay. This was a big deal for us. ]

However, while my sons received their insurance cards and informational packets within a few days, I did not receive mine. Despite numerous attempts to contact Anthem and my broker, I received no resolution. After two months of fruitless calls and waiting, my son intervened on my behalf out of my frustration and distress.

During this conversation, Anthem acknowledged that my policy had been canceled immediately after approval, at the request of Covered California. This revelation raises several concerns regarding the legality and privacy implications of a government health insurance provider influencing the cancellation of a privacy policy for a new client. Additionally, I am uncertain as to how Covered California became aware of my policy with Anthem, as I did not release that information. It is my understanding that this disclosure may constitute a violation of my HIPAA rights.

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Anthem did not discuss why or how it was legal they only told us that If I submitted the payment of $52 per month for every month since I instated the new policy they would reinstate my plan and send me my policy info and card by the 1st of MAY. so I submitted the total amount that day and waited for another week.

on the 2nd of MAY, i received a letter in the mail from Anthem blue cross saying that they had changed my plan to a different policy with less coverage and that I had to back pay $792 per month for every month that has passed since I instated the original policy. and that I would have to pay $792 a month going forward every month.

they are more than aware that I only make $28,000 a year. this entire situation has been a nightmare and it feels like extortion on behalf of the anthem. and covered California. They have not answered any of my questions, but keep demanding I make payments while dangling coverage over my head like a dog.
in the last 4 months I have had to borrow money to pay for my prescriptions, and have been avoiding going to the doctor for a severe shoulder injury I sustained about 3 weeks ago. because I cannot afford the cost of cash payment for being seen. let alone any treatment.

please any help would be greatly appreciated this cannot be the only way I can have coverage.

-how is it legal for Covered California to cancel my plan with Anthem?
-how did cover California even know I was instating a new policy with Anthem?
– If Covered California confirmed my policy cancelation, and said I had no outstanding balances at that time. how can they interfere with anything I do now. and why would they in the first place?

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I cannot afford legal counsel on this subject. and I dont know where to turn. My sons are doing everything they can but I dont want to burden them with my problems any more than i already have.

thank you.