Covered California / Blue Shield Coverage while getting Divorce.

California Back story: We are half way in the divorce process.

We are 3 in the policy : Spouse, Child and Me. We have been enrolled with Covered California since August 2023. He is still paying my health insurance through Covered California with Blue Shield which is somehow subsidized ( based on income ). I just found out that if he does not add me to his taxes of 2023 ( he filed x extension ) I might be responsible for the full amount of health insurance of 2023, meaning that as I did not get any income in 2023, I won’t be covered under California subsidy, and in order to receive this I should of made $20,000 yearly minimum. So if I am added to his taxes as a spouse I am able to be in good standings w covered California for 2023. My Insurance is $600 monthly non subsidized , and $300 through Covered California subsidized .

Note : my spouse used to make $600,000 yearly, but once divorce started 1 year ago, closed the company, stopped working, and is living out of taking equity of our properties ( which I have no access to). So his reported income for 2023 is about $70,000.

I own $$$$ to my lawyer and my ex won’t pay it, I can’t afford a lawyer anymore, my spouse does have a lawyer. So i need guidance.

Questions: 1- If my soon to be ex does not add me to 2023 taxes, How does Blue shield will recover the difference of the premium for the 2023 period ? And for 2024 ( full amount – subsidy = difference)

2- Is it my options to either pay the full premium ( no subsidy) or get Medical / Medicare ? As I did not have income and still don’t have.

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3- Are there any other options to get subsidized insurance through Covered California other than being on his taxes ? As I will be responsible for it also.

I appreciate any insights.

submitted by /u/Aphrodite-Hermes