Covered CA has no record of me having a plan for 2022. But I had a silver 94 plan with blue shield. How do I pay my taxes wo the form?

Have confirmed that Covered CA has a record that I signed up for a silver 94 plan in 2022, and they thought I didn’t make the first payment, so it was cancelled.

The plan was a continuation of the same plan I’ve had for years with the same insurer, so I paid. I just did it through autopay through the insurances website, as always. Insurance had already taken the payment by the time the Cov CA website was sending me notices saying it wasn’t paid. I asked my enroller what to do and she told me to make sure it was paid w blue shield, which I did. The plan even had the same ID number as last year.

Insurance thinks I bought the plan through covered CA so they don’t have the form on their website.

I thought it wasn’t possible to have a silver 94 plan WITH full subsidies outside covered CA, but somehow I did. It was the same exact price and coverage as what was available on the covered ca website. It is called Silver 94 Blue Shield PPO, same as all the other years.

How tf do I get my tax forms?

submitted by /u/ProfMooody

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