Currently getting coverage for myself and family through full-time employment.

168hrs/2wk | 48&72hr shifts.
Wife and two kids.
Barely get to see my family.

Will be attending college in January to change careers.

Health insurance is required for school enrollment.

In order to attend college I have to drop to part time due to the demanding schedule and will lose coverage.

I need to pay for school as well as cover all bills as we are a single income family at this time.

Childcare would cost more than my wife could earn so we would lose money.

No family members available for sitting.

Coverage is required not only for school but for my family.

Between asthma, mental illness, and vision and dental problems, insurance is a must.

I need advice from someone that knows more about insurance than I do.

Do I use my soon-to-be part time paystubs and apply for Medicaid?

Surely a family of four living off of one part time income would qualify?

Is there a better option I don’t know about?

See also  Beware of Skimpy Health Insurance Plans - AARP