Could use some advice on health insurance, doctors, general medical stuff

I have a HDHP through my employer, who’s based in Indiana. I have Anthem BCBS. I contribute to my HSA as does my employer. I am based in North Carolina.

My wife has been needing to go to the doctor more frequently and I’ve noticed that my insurance does basically fuck-all. For example, she was advised to see a rheumatologist, who ran some basic tests. After “Insurance and Patient Adjustments” the bill was $624. This just seems… unreasonable.

For myself, to just walk into the doctor’s office for a 10 minute conversation so I can get my adderal re-prescribed is over 110 dollars. Not to mention the adderal itself, which is now 160 as of January 1. I have to use CVS coupons to bring it back down to 50 or so.

What the fuck is going on? Do I need different insurance? Do I need to find a different doctor?? Everyone we see is in-network. Would it be wiser for me to do a PPO through my employer? Or should I just find my own insurance? I’m way out of my realm on this and could really use some advice.

Thanks in advance and let me know if I can provide more info

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