Copay is equal to service cost. Any coverage?

I'm an insurance guy, several claims and underwriting designations but health insurance still baffles me. Frustrates me to no end that I just "don't get it".

My back is jacked up. I've seen doctors about it and all they will ever do is give me pain meds and send me home with a massive bill. My girlfriend, her family, and several friends all rave about their chiropractor. I'm a little doubtful about chiropractic in general being legit rather than quakery. But after 20 years of pain I'm willing to give it a shot.

I had a consult and they said they could help and gave me the package cost. It works out to 28 visits over 3 months. They included what looks like billing codes for "medical necessity" and "non-medical necessary". I checked my insurance (Banner-Aetna) and it says chiropractic is covered up to 20 visits and has a $50 copay.

Is there anyway to get insurance to chip in on the costs of the package? Or do I need to have every visit submitted separately? They said they dont bill insurance directly so id have to submit for reimbursement. The tricky part is a lot of the visits, the total cost is less than what copay would be. $50 copay but the visit is just for a $40 xray. Would I only be able to submit on the visits that are more than $50?

submitted by /u/bacchus8408

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