My insurance (Delta DHMO 04200) required me to switch before Nov. 20 to be covered at a new dentist Dec. 1.
As my first SRP (an expensive procedure) is on Monday Dec 4., and another one Dec 5., all I was able to get was an estimate after they called my insurance (NOT a pre authorization). They couldn't call until yesterday despite my appointment being on Monday because I was covered there until yesterday.
My patient responsibility is oddly high (I understand insurance changes but I didn't have to pay $800 total co-pays last time).
If I pay my currently deemed responsibility at my appointments, and it turns out that insurance covers MORE than expected, will I get a refund from the dentist? Or will I be screwed and out of the money.
Excuse my dullness on this subject, this is the first time I haven't just gone in and everything is done for me. Usually this process is slick.
Also, is this a big enough financial risk that I should just cancel the appointments, and foot the cancelling fees? If NONE of this is covered, I owe $2600 that I do not have to spare).
This is my benefit summary. I am getting four quadrants of SRP (scaling and root planing) and three fillings.
Group# 04200 DeltaCare® DHMO Plan Benefit Summary
Delta Dental of Washington › 2023_benefit_summaries
If someone could help me before the weekend is up, I would be extremely grateful. Also, is the the wrong forum for this?
I can not speak with my dental insurance until an hour before my appointment Monday. This is work that needs to get done is why I'm even considering risking an ordeal. The copays don't seem to be matching the patient summaries.

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submitted by /u/Demetrios7100