Earlier this year I quit my job and my wife started travel nursing and I am a stay at home dad. She is prn at our local hospital which is no benefits offered, she is able to get insurance through her travel company but we chose not to, so that would allow her to swap between companies and take as long of a break in between contracts as needed without having a gap in coverage. We are currently insured through cobra from my previous job. I was looking at health insurance options now that open enrollment is here and am very confused. We are located in alabama also. My questions are 1. If we buy through marketplace and elect for the tax credits we have to put in our income and that varies wildly between contracts and depending on how many she works in a year. Should I put a over estimated number here or just choose not to take the tax credits? 2. What is the difference between buying it directly through BCBS vs the healthcare.gov website? 3. Should I just stay on cobra even though it is expensive? It seems to be the same price as the good insurance policies on healthcare.gov anyways. Just a little over whelmed and my anxiety gets me when I’m not sure about something, just don’t want to make the wrong choice. Any help/advice or info would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/-forbooks

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