Confused middle man between insurance and provider

I will try to keep this simple.

Got a DME after a surgery, my insurance covers it once a year. This is my only time ever getting it, and last now that I have it.

My EOB says not covered: my responsibility $0. Insurance paid $0. (Remark: due to agreement with provider must not bill patient)

Provider EOB says: 146 diagnosis was invalid for the date of service reported. M76 missing/ incomplete/ invalid diagnosis.

I have been going between the two for months now, with provider ignoring me or insurance and most of our three way call attempts.

I filed through the BBB to get a straight answer because insurance gave a different one everytime.

Today I got a letter saying because I signed an agreement with the provider that says ‘if payment is denied I agree to personally be responsible for payment in full’ so they can’t help me. I must pay.

Under that highlight statement gives the provider full ability to use my records to provide insurance with what documents they need to get the claim approved.

This whole time the provider has not changed, replied, refilled, or sent anything to insurance.

I have been told this whole time that I can’t appeal because it’s not on me to do so right now.

I called five times today to finally get an agent to file an appeal for me today.

So can the provider just decide it’s too much work to jump through the insurance hoops and bill me. I was under the impression that our ‘agreement’ meant they would do their part.

Side note: I refused to leave the hospital until they got it covered cause I could run to drug mart and get it for $30. I was told when I was signing the agreement that I don’t have to worry about this part but legally they have to point it out. I have no proof other than memory for that tho.

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Filing an appeal was the last thing I needed to do before the department of insurance would help me, it took a month of saying I need an appeal but always told it’s not on me, its provider responsibility.

I also met my total out of pocket before this claim. BCBS Ohio, if any of that makes a difference.

Provider is billing me full price if I forgot to make that clear and insurance told me today that they can’t stop them.

I also only have the provider Eob because they mailed it to me to prove a point, my Eob does not give a reason and when I called today to find a reason I told told by three different people that they can’t see a reason.

So…. If I forgot anything, ask me. Am I damned and have to pay or can I keep this stick in my butt and fight them for being rude!