confused as to cost for procuedure

For what its worth, my insurance is BCBS of Illinois PPO with a high deductible because my employer is a horrible corporate version of Satan.

I was browsing their website for Colonoscopy. The Colonoscopy is free. Awesome. Should be 1600, but no cost to me or my plan. Excellent.

Well, thet was until my girlfriend asked “is that with biopsy?”

That’s when my heart sank. Now, colonoscopy with biopsy is suddenly 1600.

Is that per individual biopsy that needs to be done? I am already freaking out about 1600 as thats entirely unaffordable in any world, for me. That is the difference between paying for food and rent, or going to get the procedure done. Id be sacrificing my place to live, my ability to eat, or my future health.

I am freaking out mostly because I 100% have a lump/mass on my rectum wall. That right there would suggest I need a biopsy. What if the xolonoscopy discovers more lumps deeper in, though? Does each lump = 1600 biopsy, or are they understanding in that — there might be several biopsies with the one procedure?

If I have 3 lumps in 1 colonoscopy that need to be biopsied am I looking at nearly 5000 bucks?

Thank you. . .

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