Confused and concerned about medi-cal coverage

I’m hoping someone will have a similar experience or have some knowledge for me. I am 5 months postpartum and have been off work since December 2022. I am unable to return to work and my medical coverage through work which my infant is on ends this month. In preparation I went to get us enrolled in some kind of coverage in which we were informed that we were both eligible for medi-cal. At this time I was no longer receiving income. I plan on being self employed soon and so reporting income will be a thing for us. I was expediting this process because of medical needs for my baby. Now here’s my concern. I do not doubt my eligibility moving forward, and realize that if I cross that, I will enroll in CC. However I will be notifying work that I am not returning any day now, especially knowing that we now have medical coverage which was my biggest concern in regards to leaving my job to care for my infant. This being said, I have plenty of vacation saved up, more than I thought. If they pay out this vacation pay, I will likely exceed the amount to be on medi-cal this month that we got approved for, however this is a one time and done thing, with no other income yet to take place until i start my self employment. Will they drop us? Only to be eligible the following month?

submitted by /u/Serious_Barnacle2718

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