Comprehensive travel insurance coverage in Europe for a suspected undiagnosed illness ?

For context, I am 19 years old and a US citizen living in the US. I am not very familiar with health insurance so forgive me if these are stupid questions.

I have recently become convinced that I have a serious illness, although I have not yet been diagnosed.

I had plans to imminently travel to Europe to stay with one of my close friends who lives there, however this recent development obviously complicates this possibility.

As I am on terrible terms with both of my parents and would not want them to know about any medical care/diagnosis that I sought out, but since I am on their (low quality) insurance policy it is my understanding that they would by notified of any treatment that I receive.

Neither of them would be willing to contribute to my medical expenses, which I fear might be prohibitive here in the US (especially given my experience with my family insurance plan).

I have looked into getting my own policy but from what I gather I am outside of the enrollment window and would not be able to do it until next year. **If this is not the case/there is a way to get around this I would be very interested**

I have heard that medical treatment is substantially cheaper in Europe (the country I am going to has that reputation) and I have reasonably high savings, although likely not enough to cover the complete expenses out of pocket (which I want to do everything in my power to avoid anyways).

Ideally, if I will need to undergo substantial treatment, I would want to be with my friend abroad.

See also  My therapist and psychiatrist never told me they're out-of-network and now I'm being billed nearly $3000

For these reasons I have been looking into getting Travel Medical Insurance, but feel uncertain about whether it will actually help.


**It has been unclear to me whether a policy exists that would cover these types of medical expenses or, even if there is, if I would be disqualified for a pre-existing condition (and also, whether seeking a diagnosis before my departure date would change anything).**

**It is further unclear to me about whether my parents would be notified on my current insurance plan even if I sought treatment abroad under travel medical insurance coverage and if there is a way to avoid this happening (this is the less important consideration by far). **

**I would want to get the most comprehensive plan possible to try to front load the costs, even if it turns out to be unnecessary, but I am unsure about what I should be looking for exactly. I would hope to be covered for diagnosis, medication and surgery if necessary. Is this even possible?**

I am not really interested in whether this is prudent but rather, whether if it is possible.

submitted by /u/questrillionaire