Complicated: lost job (California), moved back home (Michigan), insurance (CIGNA) ends soon, and hit unexpectedly with a disabling health condition.

My CIGNA healthcare from a former California employer runs out on September 11. I have the option to use COBRA, but I’m not sure I can afford it or get good coverage with it in Michigan. I’ve already hit my maximum out of pocket for the year with my current CIGNA plan.

Blue Cross Blue Shield is accepted everywhere here in Michigan, but I’d have to pay monthly for it while restarting all of my out of pocket costs.

I can’t work due to a medical error that has basically made me disabled and in need of a lot of exploratory treatments and doctors inside and outside of Michigan.

I have emergency funds to cover healthcare and will be living with family, but I can only maintain healthcare for myself for maybe a year before I have no money left.

What should I do? I will have no income and will be needing frequent visits to specialists for a medical problem that has no cure.

How should I go about finding coverage?

submitted by /u/HeresAGuuuy

See also  Aetna Out of Network Reimbursement Issues