Complaint about a canada life auditor.

Complaint about a canada life auditor.

I am an RMT of over 17 years , and (use to) see alot of patients that are insured through canada life.Recently I was audited by Canada life ,I was unphased as I have the proper information they have looked for in past audits and (thought) i knew what to expect. An auditor came into my small business where is it currently only myself working there. I do all my own booking,billing,reports,treatments. Now alot of this story is pretty unbelievable ,trust me, i still cant believe it. She came in sat in front of me and said 'you better have what I need'. I was like "sure what do you need , dates, times, billing,receipts of certain people ? ' so then she says a few names and then says she wants to see all my personal files and notes on these people.She is not allowed to see these things without a signed affidavit from the client. I tell her "no , im sorry , but I can give you all the dates and times , receipts ect." She says I don't need that I need your personal written notes. Again I continue to tell her I'm sorry but I'm not supposed to show you then she gets pissed, continues to demand to see them , now at this point she probably figures out I'm the 'flight' in fight or flight, she sees weakness , then begins to berating me 'none of that you have there is any good to me, I'm not even going to continue with these names " she then says "look at your billing here in 2019, you did most your billing December 28th , you said your a single mother how did you even buy Christmas presents for your child" at this point . I'm just trying to keep my shit together and not cry in front of her .. she could definitely see that. She then goes on looking around "how donyou even pay your bills , how do you even own this place , someone must help you " .. I then say sheepishly that my family helps me alot .. she then huffs with a laugh and says "I wouldnt be able to live with myself getting help like that " . (Okay now there's tears ) she then comes around my desk standing over me ,(we've gone full interrogation now) and says "common I know what you're really doing here , tell me , how much you cutting them in for ? 50/50 ? 60/40 ? " I had no idea what she's talking about . , she says "you're money sharing arnt you , tell me now it will be easier on you " I have not a sweet Jesus clue what she's saying so all I could say looking up at her from down in my chair "I have no money to share ??? I massage all my clients , I see like 8-10 people a day especially in nov-december!) She then laughs in my face , tells me I'm going to be criminally investigated for this , and if they find discrepancies I could be criminally charged . So now I'm fully crying , continuing to tell her I massage all my clients, and I'm so flustered and wanted her to stop so badly I felt like I had to tell her somthing, I did say that there's a possibility of human error and I didn't bill someone on the proper date by accident , (say like I billed them on the 20th but did treatment on the 14th) she laughed in my face said she's had enough , she didn't want to finish the audit and was leaving. Ensues full on 2 day panic attack . My lawyer suggests to send her in her email all the clients she did ask me about the times, dates , amounts (what she was supposed to look at , but wouldn't) we then contact the lawyers of Canada life where they say I no longer can be a provider for Canada life becuse I didn't keep proper notes , proper accounting and I admitted to wrong doing .again . NOT allowed to see my notes . My accounting is exactly what is outlines what they need a d also good enough for the CRA ,And my wrong doing ??? Simple human error , minor complacency, easily fixed with a phone call to the client . But no they didn't even contact them. Anyways , was an absolute nightmare, I've lost all my Canada life clients and traumatized by this woman . Would love to file some sort of complaint , but seems to me their lawyers just talk circles and ignore what you're actually saying . And im a really small fish , to a multi-BILLION dollar company.oh yah I forgot to mention they made up this amount ($1500.00 they want me to pay back ????? They have no reason , no proof nothing , other than her saying "you admitted to wrong doing" the kicker for me was when I outlined all that was said and done in her report she LIED about what she said , when she said it , looking into my computer , standing over me , and personally attacking me . Now again. How do i . 1 self employed person squeaking by in life , fight a multi billion dollar corporation, or their wicket witch of canada life . So I take it on the chin . Unable to give treatment to clients I've been seeing my whole career . 🙁 I hope she lives a shitty miserable life …. I wish I asked her if her husband cheated on her with a blonde massage therapist … because this all felt very personal.

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submitted by /u/Hot-Star8959