Company is adding health insurance, how do I navigate this?

So… my company that I've been with is getting health insurance. Which is a great benefit for people in my company.

Except, it's not a good benefit for me, because I'm a sole provider with a pack of kids (80k income last year, five children). As a result of this, I get a substantial tax credit against an exchange plan, and have had a cost of only $65 or so for both my wife and I for insurance for the last year (before that we were still on Medicaid from the expansion for COVID, kids are still on Medicaid).

So my understanding is that now I don't qualify for the tax credits for an exchange plan because my company plan is "affordable" for me ($216). But it's not affordable to add both me and my wife ($678), so can I still keep my wife on an exchange plan with tax credits? Or do I have to figure out something else entirely for her?

We both have several health issues we deal with (I'm diabetic and have ADHD and sleep apnea, she has hypothyroidism and anxiety) and cant' afford to be entirely without insurance.

Unfortunately the insurance is also worse than the plan with the exchange, but that's life.

I'm meeting with the benefit company rep this afternoon, just want to kind of see what I need to talk to him about and if anyone has advice. This is going to cost me a lot of money no matter what, but I'm hoping it's not increasing my monthly cost tenfold.

submitted by /u/Essex626

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