Colorado Division of Insurance bolsters the Colorado Option

Colorado Division of Insurance bolsters the Colorado Option

Colorado Division of Insurance has adopted two emergency regulations to bolster the Colorado Option standardized plan.

Emergency Regulation 23-E-01 establishes the rules around the standardized bronze, silver, and gold health benefit plans the state will require all carriers to offer if they offer other individual and small group health benefits plans in the state. Emergency Regulation 23-E-02 establishes the state's rules regarding its new requirements for carriers to reduce their premiums over time, adjusted for inflation.

Commissioner Michael Conway also adopted in February a bulletin to address religious exclusions to health insurance coverage of infertility services. The bulletin explains that a “religious employer” in the state’s Insurance Cover Infertility Diagnosis Treatment Preserve and Implementation of Infertility Coverage laws has the same meaning as in federal law.

submitted by /u/AgentSync_io

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