Quick context: I'm what many call a "digital nomad" and don't really have a permanent residence. As such, i often had to find a "new" PCP whenever my prescriptions were due, because my "old" PCP was halfway across the country, and I wouldn't be there for who knows how long. Eventually I found this program called healthtap which would refill my scripts with just a virtual visit. Super convenient.

I now need a colonoscopy (I'm only 40, but have a family history). Everyone I talk to agrees i should get one. My healthtap "PCP" agrees. But when i call a local clinic to schedule one, they say I need a referral or else insurance won't cover it, since I'm not yet 45. I asked healthtap for one, and they say they can't "technically" do a referral, just write a doctor's note, which the clinic won't accept.

What gives? Is HealthTap not a "real" PCP? Is there another option for a PCP that can do remote visits? Can I get a referral some other way? Or do I need to suck it up and find a local "temporary" PCP to get the referral, then dump them once i move on? I've already looked on my insurance website, and the only virtual services they offer is like urgent care and crisis counseling.

Sorry if this is the wrong sub, just trying to understand this referral thing, i haven't needed one since i started traveling. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/r0b074p0c4lyp53

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