Colonoscopy bill— does everything check out?

Had a colonoscopy last week. I owe $749.34 (yikes). It wasn’t anywhere near this expensive last time, but I had different insurance. I just want to make sure that I’m understanding the EOBs correctly. My insurance gave me two separate ones, one for what looks to be the colonoscopy itself and the other for anesthesia, the facility, labs, etc. The screening was completely covered; everything I owe is toward the other stuff. I’m just trying to make sure it all looks right based on my plan, particularly the coinsurance stuff. This is a new plan for me and my first big claim on it.

If everything looks right on the insurance provider’s end, would that mean I should contact the hospital about the bill for some kind of financial assistance or payment plan? Thanks in advance for any insight.

Photos of the EOBs are in the comments. My deductible is $500 ($1k out of network), coinsurance is 90% (70% out of network), and max out of pocket is $2500 ($5k out of network).

Edit— 36 in IL

submitted by /u/whisky_dick

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