Cobra Retroactive Cancellation?

I worked for a county government in New Jersey and during my employment I was enrolled in their free prescription plan provided by ProAct Rx. This was separate and unaffiliated from my medical benefits. I left my job for a new job, and had about 3 months before my new insurance would kick in. My previous employer (the County) offered me continued prescription only benefits at cost (about $200 something). I enrolled – and prepaid December, January, and February. My new health insurance kicked in March 1.

Meanwhile, my previous employer sent notices saying that if I neglect to pay March my coverage would be terminated. Great – that’s what I wanted, I no longer needed it. However, they’ve now said I’m on the hook for paying for March, about $260. I figured I was unenrolling by not paying. I didn’t use the prescription benefits in March and infact used my new ones. There was no where on any notice indicating I had to explicitly cancel. I admit, I should have called, but I thought nonpayment would cancel my coverage. The county HR personnel is unwilling to let me off the hook, stating they “prepaid” for me. My position is I don’t know why they prepaid for me, I didn’t pay for March and didn’t need the coverage.

Anyone have any suggestion of what I should do? This was prescription only coverage (not full medical benefits). Other things – proact rx is a PBM, not an insurance company. I can’t get an answer from anyone about who the insurance company is. The county government said they’d take me to small claims over the $260 which seems crazy. Anyone have any insight? I can’t really figure out who exactly they are paying and why they prepaid for me.

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submitted by /u/erinm928