COBRA, my ex employers group plan changed, I was never notified and it’s been 5 months now, COBRA continued to draft my account for 3 before I found out because they stopped billing me.

So, my ex employer did not notify me that the group plan for health insurance changed. Despite that, the company handling my COBRA payments since October last year continued to draft my account for 3 more payments before not drafting my account in April. I called them to ask why they had not drafted my account, and they said it was because my ex employer changed group plans and that a different company was supposed to be handling my payments now. I spoke with a supervisor, and she couldn't tell me why I was still being billed, but that she would refund me. I explained the gravity of the situation in great detail to her, just to receive fake empathy and 'I understand your situation'. Like, no, she doesn't. I have a life-saving surgery in 2 months. I won't survive long without it.

So I was charged money I should not have, my insurance through United Health Care seems to still be active, but the new company that's supposed to be handling my payments doesn't have me in their system (I found out who they were by asking an old coworker for a copy of the email I was never sent by the ex employer).

How do I fix this? I feel like they are all going to delay this because nobody wants to take responsibility for whatever monumental screw up occurred. My ex-employer won't take my calls, and hasn't for several months since I was fired, so I can't fix it through them. They fired me quietly behind my back because they had personal issues with my disability that I need life saving surgery for, they know I HAVE to have it, I'm scared they are going to get away with this and I'll be gone. It's in their best interest I don't get it because they already have a major lawsuit against them for it.

See also  Implementing the Family Glitch Fix on the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplaces

I'm in Washington State, if that matters.

I need a miracle folks.

submitted by /u/Cassady1AndOnly