Hi! My husband just started a new job and has a 60 day waiting period for benefits. We got our cobra packet in the mail and had planned to enroll our daughter only, because she is on dupixent and needs coverage. She’s hit her deductible and oop max for the year, so paying the $600/month for 2 months makes financial sense. I called the cobra servicer this morning to enroll her and they informed me that because we were only continuing coverage for a dependent and not the employee she would get a new plan with new cards and her deductible would start over. This doesn’t seem right to me as cobra is CONTINUATION of coverage. If this is the case we would have to re do her prior authorization and pay thousands oop, and cobra might not make financial sense after all but we don’t really have an alternative. We will need 2 dupixent deliveries and that’s $8000. Does anyone have experience only continuing coverage for a single dependent child? Did your deductible start over? If this is wrong how do I fight that? Help is so appreciated!!

submitted by /u/tx09tea

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