COBRA expects full month of payment once you quit

My last day of work was the 19th day of this month, and my business manager was quick to alert BCBS that my coverage should end on that day. While I was employed, my health insurance was roughly a $45 deduction from my weekly paycheck. I called and asked for a COBRA form so I could be covered until my next insurance kicks in (should be September), and the form says I need to pay over $550 for just to continue my coverage through the end of July. I called to verify and they confirmed – yes, even though my coverage for this month was already partially paid out of my paychecks for the first 3 weeks of this month, I still have to pay full price for less than 2 weeks of coverage! Worst part is I don't think I can just pay for it to kick back in in August, either – it has to apply from my last date of employment. The form says that they can charge up to 102% of the previous plan premium, so I also have no clue how they came up with that number for my monthly premium. I didn't know it would be this way, so that's something to consider if your job cuts off your benefits on the last date of employment.

submitted by /u/DefenestratedStepmom

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