Last year we were on a University based plan while my husband was getting his PhD because it was better coverage than what was available through my work. But because it was school and not work we were not able to do COBRA. Coverage ended 8/15. Husband’s started a new job 8/1 but wasn’t benefits eligible until 9/1. So we bought short term gap insurance. There’s no way to buy just 15 days so there was a 15 day period where we had both the new work coverage and gap insurance in place.

The hospital told me that the employer based coverage (starting 9/1) would be the primary coverage over a gap insurance plan. I currently have $4000 in unpaid claims because that insurance says they should be secondary since their coverage started after the short term plan (started 8/15). I have found a thousand charts to say which coverage should be primary vs secondary (your work coverage vs your spouse’s, work vs Medicaid etc) but I have never found a chart with 30 day gap insurance in the mix. I am getting mixed information and feel like I’m going nuts. Instead of having two insurances it feels like I had none because I’ve been forced to pay out of pocket until I can get the claims sorted out


submitted by /u/FloridaMomm

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