Co-ordination of benefits: which health insurance plan will be my ‘primary’? Which card should I use for appointments?

Hi all!

I'm relatively new to the US and this is my first time being in this situation so any help would be much appreciated.

I graduated from grad school last month and my school's health insurance plan covers me until August 15th

But I also started work earlier this month and my employer's health insurance plan has kicked in to cover me from now (I just signed up to their portal)

I just realized that there may be some "co-ordination of benefits" type form that each insurer requires me to fill out, and if I do so, they will co-ordinate amongst themselves to figure out who covers what and how much I'm charged. Is that right?

I was wondering which one will be my 'primary'? For example, if one of them has a $20 copay for a doctor and the other is $40 (and the doctor is in-network with both plans) – will I always get to pay the lower price?

And also – when I go to the doctors, which insurance card should I now be presenting?

Thanks in advance for any help!

submitted by /u/energeticpapaya

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