Co-insurance bill after OOPM has been hit (and paid)

I have Carefirst BCBS through my husband's employer and they're nearly impossible to get a hold of by phone, so thought I'd just see if anyone here had any thoughts about what I might be missing before I spend a half day waiting on hold to talk to someone there. I hit my $3200 deductible in Jan of this year and my $4000 OOPM in Feb. I keep a spreadsheet to keep track of everything I pay in, and to make sure all the EOBs match the provider's invoices. There was a snafu in March, so I had to (like I said earlier) wait on the line for several hours to talk to someone at Carefirst and they went through all my EOBs line by line until we figured out there was a provider billing error and I was able to correct it with the provider- but needless to say, Carefirst confirmed I had hit my OOPM in Feb. Fast forward to yesterday, I got a bill from an in-network provider for a pelvic ultrasound I had in mid-May. I looked at the EOB on Carefirst and it matches the bill, saying this money I owe is "Co-Insurance". I'm very confused as to how I could still owe co-insurance when I have very diligently paid out and tracked every penny of my OOPM for this year (and ALL the other EOBs from March/April/May/June I owed $0 for- which goes to show I had met my OOPM). Is there anything I'm missing or is just the case that I need to wait on hold forever to talk to someone at Carefirst? Thanks for any ideas.

submitted by /u/jbasscase

See also  Needing help with some medical stuff. Anything that can help is greatly appreciated! 🙏