Clueless about insurance and not sure this is worth it?

I recently got a full time job after being out of work/being a stay at home parent since Covid. I have a child support order instated with an ex, which dictates that when I am offered insurance at a job I'm obligated by the state to take it out for that child, and therefore myself. Said child already has insurance through Medicare and also their other parents job, so this is a third stacked insurance that they would not be suffering without if I lost it.

However, the insurance in my workplace seems absolutely outrageous. I'm considering dropping down to part time so as not to be offered benefits, enrolling my other child who is at home in a state offered insurance (which they're eligible for if my husband and I make under $6,000 a month, which we do, and that child may be offered different benefits after they receive a formal autism and developmentally delayed diagnosis in November), and maybe looking on Marketplace for myself or even just going the route of paying with cash, as the Healthcare places in my area offer percentage off discounts to the uninsured.

I'm currently paying $681.34/month for the health insurance through my work to cover my family. The individual deductible is $5,000 and the family deductible is $10,000. Just from looking around a bit, this seems extremely high, and like it's generally undesirable insurance? I only make $12.50/hr, so this is cutting my income essentially in half to have. Is this a normal insurance price? Is it even worth it?

submitted by /u/fknwitagoddess

See also  Insurance reversed payments to provider