Clinic refused to run insurance even though they are covered under my plan

I unexpectedly had to go to a clinic while on vacation. Before making the appointment there, I searched for covered providers through my insurance website. I even double-checked by calling the insurance company to make sure this provider would be covered.

I had to pay several hundred dollars at the clinic because they wouldn’t run my insurance. They said it was their policy because I wasn’t a regular patient there. I asked for a copy of the policy in writing, and they said they didn’t have one. The receptionist told me she’d ask her manager and then email it to me, but her email basically said “it’s our policy not to bill insurance if you aren’t usually a patient here. That’s self-pay only.”

My insurance company said they’ve never heard of this before. The rep I spoke to sent me a form I can fill out to request reimbursement.

Has anyone ever encountered this? It sounds super shady to me, and I’m definitely not happy to be out hundreds of dollars. Do I have any options I haven’t already considered?

submitted by /u/puppiesonabus

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