My policy reads as follows: Infertility Services Benefits are provided for certain services related to the diagnosis, treatment and correction of any underlying causes of INFERTILITY for all MEMBERS except DEPENDENT CHILDREN. Benefits are provided for a combined IN- and OUT-OF-NETWORK LIFETIME MAXIMUM per MEMBER for each of the specific services listed below associated with three medical ovulation induction cycles, with or without insemination, unless otherwise noted. This LIFETIME MAXIMUM applies to a cumulative number of INFERTILITY treatments with the following services, provided in all places of service. Family Planning Exclusions • Assisted reproductive technologies as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization (IVF) with fresh or frozen embryos, ovum or embryo placement, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), specialized sperm retrieval techniques, and gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and associated services • Oocyte and sperm donation • Cryopreservation of oocytes, sperm, or embryos • Services performed by a doula • Expenses INCURRED by any MEMBER who receives compensation from a third party in exchange for a medical procedure, such as surrogacy-related medical expenses • Expenses INCURRED by a surrogate parent not covered as a MEMBER under the health benefit plan • Care or treatment of the following: – reversal of sterilization – INFERTILITY for DEPENDENT CHILDREN -Teratment for INFERTILITY or reduced fertility that results from a prior sterilization procedure or a normal physiological change such as menopause.

My question: I am terrible at understanding my insurance coverages. Could someone confirm what I think I am reading. Is my policy saying that because I have had my tubes tied I will NOT be eligible for any coverage for IVF?

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I was young and in an extremely abusive relationship at the time of my sterilization. I now have a healthy happy marriage and want to have a child with my husband but fertility treatments are expensive and we were hoping for some insurance coverage.

submitted by /u/jigglypuff1803