Claims advise for incorrect processing

So I have Anthem Blue Cross through my employer and they have been consistently processing claims for my PCP and therapist as out of network.

Before I visited, I called Anthem and confirmed with them the PCP was in network. Doctor office also confirmed. I go on Anthems website and verified through their doctor search the doctor is in network.

I get 3 claims from my recent visit all processed as out of network.

Similar thing for therapist. Went through all the checks before and all processed as out of network. I called them and the person I spoke with confirmed they were in network and resubmitted the claims. They were processed AGAIN as out of network and the guy was so confused cause he said he sees they are in network on their internal system and submitted them again.

What can I do in this situation?? Absolutely ridiculous that it keeps getting processed as out of network… I did all my due diligence in confirming they are in network.

submitted by /u/qazwsxedc1100

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