claim denied, no bill received, should i be worried?

Basically, went to urgent care a few months ago, and got some lab testing done (UTI).

I have BCBS through my employer, this urgent care was in network and they would have sent my sample to a lab in network, as per their policy.

fast forward, my BCBS portal says I owe around $3000, and there’s 2 EOBs from the lab with different dates of service. one claim was denied and one was rejected.

So my insurance says I’m on the hook for 3000 for the lab tests, and when I call they say its because it wasn’t in network (although the lab and urgent care assures me that they are) , and that the lab tests were deemed medically unnecessary. The letter says I should appeal. The person of the phone says not to.

However, I haven’t received a bill from the lab. When I call the lab they say they’re still sorting things out with my insurance and they’ll bill me when they bill me.

I’m worried because I have a specific time frame to appeal. I’m really confused and anxious, and this is literally the first time I’ve ever used health insurance.

So I guess my question, do I just wait til I get billed? From what I’ve read I can be billed years after date of service, and still be on the hook for it. Any advice, reassurance, direction, would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Unique-Pie2709

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