I checked my balance from last year (2023) out of curiosity and Cigna says I still owe $400.

One part is $350 – an accidental out-of-network visit, where I was told by the provider that Cigna was covered, and when I checked on Cigna’s site, the urgent care clinic was covered but not at that specific location (which I did not realize at the time).

The other part is $50 which I am almost certain I paid as a copay, but it is still showing up as unpaid on Cigna.

I never received a bill from either, and my credit report is fine. Regarding the $350, I spoke with Cigna about the error and they called the provider who said they wouldn’t be charging for that visit. The rep at Cigna said it would be fine to ignore the charge, but I find that too good to be true and I’m worried. Regarding the $50, I have not followed up with the provider but I have never received any bill in the mail.

Will this affect my credit report in any way? Should I follow up with the providers to make sure I don’t have an outstanding bill or will that open pandora’s box? I don’t know if should err on the side of caution or go about my life as if all is fine and I owe nothing.

submitted by /u/wash-the-dishes

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