Cigna pressuring for RN Case Manager

I've just recently relocated from Europe to the US, and dealing with insurance is a whole new world to me. I have Cigna health insurance through my workplace.

Have been quite unfortunate with my health since relocating, and doctors discovered some things that require treatment and medication. Quite fast, I've become rather costly for Cigna, but I guess that's the name of the game with insurance. Still, it seems like they pull new tricks every time I need treatment, and they always have some kind of new authorization that needs to be complete before I can get my medicine or treatment.

Today, I then received a random call from them, wanting me to accept a RN Case Manager.

The Cigna caller did some kind of pre-screening before wanting to put me through to a Case Manager to get the process started. When he asked if I'm in chemo therapy (I'm not), I realized I must have triggered some kind of cost metric, and decided to try to pull out of the call.

I told him I was busy at work, so this would have to wait. Immediately he then wanted to schedule a new call, asking about days, best time slots etc.

Cigna has not been easy to deal with so far, and I'm a bit suspicious if this is just another trick to give them more decision power in my treatment (costs)? Would appreciate some good advice if anyone has any experience with this? Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/Lynfisker

See also  please help... so confused - "calendar year deductible"