Cigna PPO vs EPO Health Insurance Plan (Baby on the way)


I'm currently exploring health plan options during my company's open enrollment (located in the USA). I'm weighing between the PPO Premier and EPO Premier plans.

Here is a link with details and my bi-weekly premium rates.

Starting January 1, the plan will cover my wife, son, and myself. My wife is expecting our second child in June, so our hope is to determine which plan is more beneficial financially for the upcoming delivery. All our current doctors and the local hospital (where we will deliver) are in-network.

My wife and I are both 30 and healthy, so we don't expect any other large medical bills in 2024.

Could you help me decide which plan is more suitable? I realize the EPO has higher premiums, but I'm wondering if its no deductible and 100% coinsurance features are more cost-effective in the long run. Thank you!

submitted by /u/EnableEditing

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