CIGNA out-of-network claim negotiation, Data iSight?

I'm a patient located in the US state of Mass. Had a routine vision exam with an Ophthalmology provider which is in-network with CIGNA (my medical plan), but I failed to realize my vision claims are processed separately via EyeMed (forgot about this plan). Nobody warned me at the office that CIGNA was not my vision provider despite making an attempt to check on the computer. They thought I was covered by CIGNA too. Later I received a denied EOB from CIGNA due to OON claim, and so was on the hook for the full padded bill ($500).

I tried negotiating the bill down with the office to the level EyeMed would have paid but all I could get is a 50% reduction after 2 months of back-and-forth (still much higher than what EyeMed would pay). I relented and paid.

Much later I found out CIGNA has some kind of negotiation service I can use for out-of-network claims called Data iSight. It's too late to go back now but I'm wondering how this thing works and whether I would have received a better deal doing it this way?

submitted by /u/Independent-Line4846

See also  Denying a part of a surgical procedure that already happened.