Cigna Employee Assistance Program "Topics"?

I've been using my EAP for a few weeks to talk to a great therapist. I have a LOT to go through with her! My Cigna plan covers "3 EAP Sessions Per Issue".

I've asked Cigna several times what they consider an "issue". So far, they've utilized "anxiety" and "depression" as 2 different issues, allotting me 6 total sessions.

I would like to continue with a few more sessions, but I'm not sure my issues will continue to qualify as a cigna "issues", and I don't know how to navigate this. Some ongoing problems:

-Navigating workplace physical safety -Navigating workplace mental health safety/harassment -Changing careers/jobs altogether -Ageism in the workplace -Managing workflow -Personal relationship issues

When I've brought up these things, they've just reclassified them as "depression" or "anxiety". Is there some sort of formal definition that Cigna uses to code these their "issues"? I really don't want to have to fight with them every time I call regarding a new issue. Thanks in advance for your help!

submitted by /u/16066888XX98

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