I had one of my annual cleanings last week along with bite wing x rays and what not. I left my dentist with no bill. I got an email from Cigna today saying they processed my claim and that this is not a bill.

I logged into my account for the first time just to see and it says “patient responsibility $61.00” then I look at my two cleanings last year and I have one that says 60 and another that says 20.

My question is why am I not asked to pay that at the dentist? I’m super paranoid now about the two things from last year being sent to collections. I’ve never received anything from the dentists office saying I owed money. This is my first email from Cigna as well.

I upped my dental plan to the highest I could get in 2023 because I didn’t like paying for cleanings before. In 2022 I always had to pay when leaving the dentists office but ever since I upgraded they always said I was good to go.

Do I pay those on Cigna or call my dentists office? Like I said before I’d hate for something like that to go to collections. I do see an option to “mark as paid” on the website as well.

Thank you!

See also  Loss of Coverage