
I had two insurances from Jan 2023 to Jun 2023. (Primary: BCBSRI and Secondary: Cigna) I learned that I can request claims/refunds for my therapy copayments from my secondary insurance. I submitted a few claims to Cigna through their claims forms on their online platform. This was months ago and they sent me a few documents asking for additional stuff. I had some personal issues I was dealing with so I waited until now to deal with all the Cigna claims.

Now they are saying that the initial claims I submitted are not processed and I cannot send additional documents since it is not filed timely. However, they did not tell me there was a time limit on responding to their letter.

I genuinely thought I could submit any claims for that year before the year ends. (I swear I read that online some place) I have so many claims to submit. I was planning to do them at once before the end of the year. Now, I cannot bc they will not be timely filed. Is there a way around 180 days rule for submitting the claims?

Also, can I make Cigna accept my initial claims?(the ones that I filed timely but they did not process it)

There is so much to learn about insurances in this country! It is really hard to navigate!

submitted by /u/edgyfrog48

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